Our Story

Our rich history, coupled with our unrivalled passion for innovation, gives us a lot to talk about. Explore Our Story to learn more about our unique Scottish heritage, superb craftsmanship, and the inspiration behind our luxurious collections.

Tales from the Riverbank

The community projects working to protect the place we call home. Environmental responsibility is woven into the very fabric of our business, and we understand that thriving communities and healthy ecosystems go hand-in-hand.

Made with Love - Baby's 1st Cashmere

We lavish everything we make with love and a gentle touch - no matter how small. Our dedicated team of three talented artisans apply this principle in our 'mill within the mill' - the Hand Knit department at our Elgin site. We design, knit, finish and hand label each piece in one location, and there's heart in every stitch.

The Local Projects Keeping Traditional Skills Alive

A growing number of people taking a more mindful approach to consumption can only be a good thing for the environment. As part of our Schools Interaction Programme, we have been teaching local secondary school students some basic sewing skills to encourage waste aversion and perhaps discover the craftspeople of the future.

Creating A Buzz | The Johnstons of Elgin Bees

Nestled among the trees and flowers at our Elgin mill grounds, another centre of activity hums with life. Beyond the whirr of our weaving looms is the gentle buzz of a thriving beehive, alive with around 30,000 pairs of tiny wings. Our busy bees are more than just honey makers; they are productive pollinators crucial to our ecosystem.

Kindred Spirits

Celebrating our fellow creatives – talented, skilled craftspeople and artists whose ethos mirrors our own. We feel drawn to individuals and brands that share our core values - the craftsmanship, heritage, innovation and community focus that has driven our success.

Hayley Anderson - Print Artist

As part of our Kindred Spirits series, where we collaborate with craftspeople who share our values and ethos, Hayley created a stunning exclusive linoleum print of our historic Clock Tower.

Keith Coghill - Furniture Designer

Sometimes, the perfect partner is closer to home than you might expect. We called upon the exceptional talent of Scottish artisan Keith Coghill to help create a unique, welcoming space at our Elgin site.

Wooji, Ceramic Artist & Sculptor

Large sculptures can be a challenge for even the most experienced creators, but award-winning ceramic artist Wooji takes it all in her stride, finding the creative process therapeutic. We caught up with her to chat about art, inspiration and fashion.

226 Years Young

How do you define a sense of place? Made in Scotland isn’t just the three words stitched on a label – it’s who we are and who we have been for 226 years. We are always authentic. Always rooted in nature. Always made in Scotland.

Chapter 1

A sense of place: Made in Scotland Scotland, 1797. A young man with imagination is about to make his mark. Discover Our Story.

Chapter 2

A spirit of global adventure We have worked with natural, renewable, biodegradable fibres since 1797, and our commitment to sustainability is at the heart of our brand’s values.

Chapter 3

A commitment to quality: Craftsmanship For Eddie Harrison, Scottish craftsmanship was a passion, a creative force and a channel for great artistry. Craftsmanship, he said, is in the blood.

Chapter 4

A family business: Looking after our people Behind every warp, weave and stitch of each Johnstons of Elgin product is the story of our commitment to people. In turn, the loyalty of our team has enabled us to thrive. This emotional connection has existed since our founding.